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Restaurant and Commercial Kitchen Equipment Cleaning

According to the National Fire Prevention Association, commercial kitchen fires cause more than $100 million in damage yearly, with more than 60% of those fires caused by faulty kitchen equipment. Business owners need to provide a safe environment for both staff and customers, and commercial kitchen cleaning is an essential part of proper commercial kitchen management.

Finding a reliable commercial kitchen cleaning service can be difficult. You need to find an experienced and trustworthy service that can handle any cleaning job. You need Apex Hood Cleaning.

Benefits of Cleaning Commercial Kitchen Equipment

Cleaning kitchen equipment regularly should be part of your routine maintenance. Here are the benefits you will enjoy with clean and efficient kitchen equipment:

Enhance Working Conditions

For kitchen staff, there is nothing better than working in a kitchen that is regularly cleaned and maintained. Everything is in proper working order, making kitchen work much more enjoyable.

Improved Hygiene

No one likes working in a greasy and slippery kitchen. Commercial restaurant hood cleaning ensures that your kitchen staff will be working in top hygienic conditions at all times.

Actively Engages the Workforce

When kitchen staff feel cared for, they are much more productive. Investing in regular commercial kitchen cleaning lets your team know that you care for their health and well-being.

Food-Borne Disease Prevention

A dirty kitchen is a perfect place for food-borne diseases to proliferate. Grease and grime buildup in your kitchen equipment can harbor bacteria, mold, and other harmful microorganisms that can cause your staff and customers to become sick.

Controlling Pests

Dirty kitchens are havens for pests such as insects and rodents. Commercial kitchen cleaning removes food and grease residue that can attract pests.

Food Safety Regulations Must Be Obeyed

The FDA has food safety regulations on a federal level that all commercial kitchens must obey. These regulations cover food safety, handling practices, and cleanliness standards, including kitchen equipment maintenance.

Utility Expenses are Lower

When you regularly clean your commercial kitchen equipment, these appliances work much more efficiently. You will notice that fuel and electricity consumption are lower and will save money over time.

Enhanced Cost of Ownership

As a business owner, you will enjoy the benefits of commercial kitchen cleaning through a happy and productive workforce, an efficient kitchen, and high-quality output. Your customers will also appreciate the effort to give them the best service.

There Will Be Fewer Strange Kitchen Incidents

Regular maintenance of your kitchen equipment eliminates the risk of sudden and unexpected kitchen incidents. Your staff will love working in an environment where everything is in the best working conditions!

A Safer Working Environment

You’ll never have to worry about dangerous instances such as grease flareups or slippery floors. A clean kitchen increases productivity and the trust your staff has in you.

Tips For a Pro-Cleaned Commercial Kitchen

Our team offers a wide range of commercial kitchen cleaning services to handle every job imaginable. Our services include:

  • Kitchen hood cleaning service
  • Hot power washing for stoves and counter surfaces
  • Deep cleaning floors, walls, ceilings, appliances, and large kitchen equipment
  • Disinfecting sinks, countertops, and other workspaces in your kitchen
  • Filter replacement
  • Deep cleaning of refrigerators and food storage

We use the best tools and cleaning materials available. Our team of trained kitchen cleaning experts has more than 40 years of combined experience and has worked with both small and large commercial kitchens.

How Often Do Commercial Tools and Equipment Need to Be Cleaned?

According to the FDA Food Code, commercial kitchens must clean their equipment every 24 hours. This daily cleaning regimen includes cleaning and sanitizing kitchen appliances, cookware, tableware, and kitchen surfaces. Generally, cleaning must be done at least once every shift.

For specialized kitchen equipment, here is the cleaning schedule you must follow:

  • Storage containers for cold food items – must be inspected and cleaned every four hours, especially if the food is sitting at room temperature.
  • Deep fat fryer – remove used oil daily and clean thoroughly to remove all grease residue.
  • Grease filters – remove and scrub grease filters at least once a week. However, for establishments that produce a large number of fried items, inspection and cleaning must be done every 2-3 days.
  • Kitchen hoods and ducts – have your kitchen exhaust system professionally cleaned once every six months.

Many commercial kitchen owners tend to forget to clean the spaces around and behind kitchen appliances. Grease and grime can quickly build up behind kitchen stoves because of dropped food items and oil splatters. Make sure to include regular cleaning of these hard-to-reach spaces.

Benefits of Regular Cleaning

A clean kitchen means a happy crew and happier customers. As a business owner, you will enjoy increased savings, high food quality, and lower injury risks in your kitchen. You will also earn a reputation as a restaurant that cares about your people and community.

Need Professional Kitchen Hood Cleaners – Contact Apex Hood Cleaning

At Apex Hood Cleaning, we want to help you provide the best kitchen environment for your staff and the best service for your customers. Contact us today at 877-866-3473 to know more about our services.